1·The fundamental cubic form is the maternal body, an energy-generating process.
2·Conclusions: There is a positive correlation between fetal birth weight and maternal body mass index.
3·The greater feed consumption was accompanied by a faster growth rate of piglets without sparing effect on maternal body reserves.
4·Maternal love Under the burning sun, on the way to the "Nine Horses", I was touched by a scene that mother cow was giving a shade to her little baby by her own body.
5·Results: KNJ had no toxicologic effect in the general status, body weight change, and embryonic rat development, maternal rat delivery, newborn rat as well as the development status of rat.
6·Conclusions 1 pre pregnancy body mass index and maternal weight gain are critical factors on maternal complications.
7·Can not do it deep lock in also very normal, originally the nobody requests you so, just please don't beat the curtain of the maternal love no longer care an own body.
8·Level of maternal culture, relationship with family members, personal character and current body healthy status were the influential factors of depression in the subjects (P
9·Methods Body wight index (BWI) was calculated before pregnancy and maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcomes were followed up in 2 584 primipara with singleton births.
方法对2 584例单胎初产妇,测量孕前身高、体重和孕期体重增加情况,计算体重指数(BWI),并随访妊娠结局。